Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Rom 102 Support With Nagra2unlock.com

Ahh so it dawns on me that free to air sucks.. Ahh it dawns on me that downloading this new Satellite to PC shit sucks as well..What gives?Well I think I found it.. Buy urself an iso, and unlocker, a few serial cables and power supplies and get ready to learn. (get a jtag too)Where you get good hardware? I say www.moddish.com -- why them? cause they are in canada and they kick ass.. They deliver ON time every time and are VERY cheap
mikobu vortex unlockers kick ass
nexus 2 blue unlocker 4619chip with any atmel flash you throw on it, this unit performs on rom 102 and rom 103 cards with extreme ease.. unlock all your stubbornly software locked or stream locked cards
super fast iso's in stock and ready to ship. i dont use usb power. get a 9volt power supply and be normal about this..
Ok got your hardware and now need some software for your satellite cards? More specifically for your nagra2 cards - rom 102 and rom 103 cards?
Ok here is my suggesstion.. goto www.nagra2unlock.com they have it all. Nathan works for them and this dude does his all to keep in touch with ALL of his customers.. he even uses a blog from wordpress to keep them updated.. this is a classy way to handle a base of customers who already have an unsettled feeling about sending cards and or money in the mail
Nagra2unlock.com has everything you could ask for in support. They just released BRAND new dealerware for your plastics.. All rom 102 , 103 and 206 (and Icam support) .. here are some great features:
rom 102 / 103 / icam and 103 to 206 support
fast loading and 110% secure software that marries your pc
all the latest nagra2 unlocking scripts - 10c cards not always easy
bev cards dishnet programming full support for both
full service card unlocking for your 102 cards
What more could you ask for... I am sick and tired of people not seeing this whole concept with ease.. Steer clear of the big hammer heads who will ultimately sell your info when they get rolled over... deal with dudes who have UNDENIABLY been around and KNOW how to operate without being greedy... and enjoy tons of wide open dishnet or bev tv!! www.nagra2unlock.com